Have a talk with your family about the changes after 4 times of contactless holidays. Interview your long-lost relatives and talk about how Covid had been affected your family holidays.
*가족이 출연하는 비디오의 경우 AMJ Kids는 영어로, 가족들은 한국어로 대화해도 좋습니다
학생들이 일상생활에서 영어를 더욱 편하게 사용하고 영어실력을 맘껏 뽐낼 수 있도록 할아버지, 할머니, 이모, 삼촌들 많은 참여 부탁 드려요!
1st 500 stamps
2nd 300 stamps
3rd 100 stamps
(1 per block)
* Announcement will be made in the office hours 15(Thurs), 16(Fri)
1. Film a video longer than 3 mins. You can make multiple videos per topic
2. Send the videos to AMJ Kakaotalk or post it on your instagram and tag AMJ
@amj_academy →
3. Teachers will cast a vote to the best video. Winners get hundreds of stamps and family pride!
4. Winners’ videos shall be posted on AMJ YouTube channel during the Fall term.
AMJ어학원 →